UPDATE: Public “School For Equity” in San Francisco is in open violation of FERPA and the California state law…and their students can’t read or do math.

UPDATE: Yesterday the June Jordan School for Equity made their entire website private (not accessible to the public)!  A nerve has been struck, ya think?

From Karlyn Borysenko‘s Actively Unwoke:

Let’s check in on the June Jordan School For Equity, a youth training center social justice activists.

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They were so focused on social justice that they accidentally violated state and federal law.

Last week, when volunteers and I were sourcing data for the Unwoke Wiki, we discovered something shocking: There is literally a SCHOOL FOR EQUITY in San Francisco.

The June Jordan School For Equity is a public high school within the San Francisco Unified School District “explicitly designed as a school rooted in equity and social justice.”

This is a school that targets under-served children and turns them into leftist activists, all on the taxpayer dime.

In their pedagogy documents, they say they teach a Social Justice curriculum in everything, including math, science, humanities, language, special education, etc…).

0% proficiency in Math, 3% in Science, 10% in English

We were shocked again (although not really) when we found a Google Drive with their School Accountability Report Cards for the last several years, and decided to take a peak inside their academics.

In English, 10% of students were proficient.

In Math, 0% of students were proficient.

In science, 3% of students were proficient. This is the only category where they compared it to other schools in the state…with less than stellar results.

Turns out anti-racist biology doesn’t actually teach biology.

And yet still, 80% of students graduated. One might wonder why they’re graduating if they can’t read or do basic math.

The average teacher’s salary is almost $85,000 a year.

You can download the last three full years of files here:

Accountability Report Card, School Year 2021-2022
453KB ∙ PDF file


June Jordan School of Equity

Accountability Report Card, School Year 2020-2021
453KB ∙ PDF file


June Jordan School of Equity

Accountability Report Card, School Year 2019-2020
296KB ∙ PDF file


June Jordan School of Equity

You might think all this is bad, but it’s about to get worse.

The School of Equity is in open violation of FERPA and the California Education Code.

Right now, the Attorney General in California is in a heated battle with some of the public schools in the state, telling them they are violating the California State Constitution for telling parents if their students are using different names or pronouns in school.

Well, if it violates the California State Constitution to tell parents what name and pronouns their kids are using, then I wonder how the attorney general would feel about a school that posted private, confidential student IEP data on their website, where anyone could access and download it?

That’s exactly what the June Jordan School for Equity is currently doing.

This, minimally, puts them in open violation of FERPA (the Family Educational Privacy Act) and the California Education Code surrounding student privacy.

Here’s how we found it.

When you google “June Jordan School For Equity”, notice a page titled “IEPs” is indexed and clearly visible. IEPs are legal documents normally used in special education to outline the specific plan for a student to accommodate their learning needs.

Click on that page, and you go to a page that explicitly says the links contain students’ personal information.

Anyone with an internet connection can find it using a simple Google search.

When you click on the 9th Grade and 10th Grade buttons respectively, you are brought to open Google Drives where you can access student confidential information.

The Individual Education plans can be downloaded and read by anyone.

The drives clearly say they are owned by the San Francisco Unified School District.

Yes, I have the files. No, I’m not going to post them (because I’m more responsible than the administrators of an activism training school). I haven’t read them and only downloaded them for safekeeping, in case I needed to prove they exist.

How long has the June Jordan School For Equity been posting private, confidential information openly, where anyone can find it?

How do the parents of those kids feel about that?

How does the Attorney General of California feel about that? Will he go after this school with the same fervor with which he’s going after the schools who are telling parents what gender their kids are identifying as?

Time will tell.

Your Irascible Correspondent is not willing to bet that there no other schools in California with similar curricula and dedication.

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