News and Information


How to stop a cultural revolution

There is no doubt that a Maoist cultural revolution is being foisted upon us.  Over at his New Discourses site James Lindsay offers the means and the method for putting a stop to it.  Get out your notebooks and sharpen your pencils because you are going to want to take notes. Leftism has a battle


The virtual world is to be populated by the really dead

Vox Day comments on an interesting – and scary – find on his blog: The nerds who dreamed of uploading their minds into software and achieving a form of immortality thereby never stopped to think about the fact that if the technology to do so was ever achieved, involuntary digital immortality could be imposed upon


Exterminating nations, extinguishing civilization

Over at Twitter Vagrant of Rhodes lays it out oh, so poignantly: “Migrant” parasites bragging openly about ethnically cleansing their host nations, while the rulers of those very host nations proclaim it isn’t happening, pretty much sums up what’s going on. We are witnessing the purposeful extinction of entire civilizations and barely anyone seems to


Ezola Foster – American heroine

She was born in Louisiana in 1938 and was a public school teacher in Watts for 33 years. In the 1980s & ’90s she began sounding the alarm about troubling trends in our schools: -Anti-White racism -LGBTQ+ indoctrination -Anti-American revisionism -The risks of multiculturalism -Affirmative action and diversity   Mrs. Foster’s book, “What’s Right For


Eventbrite says Riley Gaines is more dangerous than Hamas! All for daring to defend women’s sports. Read how she’s fighting back

Big Tech is trying to censor Riley Gaines. The ticketing company, Eventbrite, notified Riley that she can’t use their website to promote her fall campus speaking tour, organized and funded by the Leadership Institute. Leftists consider Riley a hateful bigot because she defends women athletes against unfair competition with biological men. And says supposedly controversial


More predictive progamming?

From American Greatness: Perhaps the most compelling subject of conversation in America today isn’t the impeachment of Joe Biden, the Israel-Gaza war, the Ukraine war, our spiraling federal debt or even Taylor Swift’s love life. Instead, it’s Leave The World Behind, an apocalyptic Netflix production which is currently the streaming service’s most viewed film. Leave The World Behind is a