Canadian Conservative PM Candidate Gives Master Class in Handling Activist Disguised as ‘Reporter.’

h/t Instapundit:

WATCH: Canadian Conservative PM Candidate Gives Master Class in Handling Activist Disguised as ‘Reporter.’

Pierre Poilievre is a longtime member of the Canadian Parliament, is the Opposition Leader, and is also the leader of Canada’s Conservative Party. He’s been described by some media outlets as “the man who could beat [current Prime Minister Justin] Trudeau” and “the favorite to win the country’s next election,” which could be as soon as next year.

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Poilievre, who is calmly eating and crunching on an apple, repeatedly asks him throughout the segment who was making the claims (which revolved around Poilievre supposedly being a right-wing extremist), and what “page” he was allegedly taking out of former President Donald Trump’s “playbook” (another statement made by the reporter that he could not substantiate).

As the description on the tweet says, this is master class-type stuff here and should be a blueprint for conservatives to operate off of when interacting with left-wing activists masquerading as members of the press:

Never accept the premise of the question or to the use of “some say;” always ask the media to precisely define their terms.

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