
Never apologize to a leftist

From James Lindsay’s New Discourses blog – highly recommended: The Hard Truth About Struggle Sessions Struggle session season isn’t over. Even though we’re starting to understand what they are and how to deal with them, they’re still coming, sometimes with very high stakes. The point of a struggle session, ultimately, is to get you to


On the plea deals in Georgia

Oh, yes, Deep Staters! This and the other show trials and plea deals convince me, absolutely convince me, that what I and millions of others witnessed in 2020 NEVER HAPPENED! POOF! Went away! All that video record, was uploaded by aliens at Donald Trumps behest. Truly, truly I believe this. Yes, yes I do! Because


The truth about teacher unions

Refute the Top 5 Gay Myths With this Incredible, Free eBook:https://ruthinstitute.org/top-5-myths Join us on censorship-free locals: https://theruthinstitute.locals.com/ Rebecca Friedrichs, a twenty-eight-year public school teacher, was forced to fund state and national teachers’ unions whose politics and immoral programs she did not support and that brought harm to her profession, her students and our country. Although she “opted