The truth about teacher unions

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Rebecca Friedrichs, a twenty-eight-year public school teacher, was forced to fund state and national teachers’ unions whose politics and immoral programs she did not support and that brought harm to her profession, her students and our country. Although she “opted out” of the political dues for the first ten years of her career, she later joined in order to gain a voice. She served on the union board for three years, only to discover that many union reps agreed with her concerns, but they are bullied and silenced, so they are afraid to speak up to union bosses. She eventually sued the National Education Association (NEA) and the California Teachers’ Association (CTA). Her lawsuit, Friedrichs v CTA, which sought to free teachers from forced unionism, was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2016. Due to Justice Scalia’s death, the Court’s expected 5-4 decision for Friedrichs’ cause turned into an ineffective split decision.

Rebecca authored “Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of our Kids and Country,” an expose of bully unions told through dozens of powerful personal accounts. She’s a Prager University host, and founded For Kids and Country, a national movement of citizens uniting to restore our schools and culture. Rebecca’s husband Charles is the Director of the School of Music and Dance at San Diego State University. Charles and Rebecca have two grown sons.

For Kids and Country website:

Adopt A Teacher:

And Union Exit:

PTA toolkit:

Book: NEA Trojan Horse in American Education, by Samuel Blumenfeld

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