Very Important! Ballot Harvesting and what to do about it!

Dear friends and colleagues,

I am reaching out with utmost urgency to press upon all of you what I feel needs to be said, understood, and done in order for any of our candidates to have a prayer of a chance to win this upcoming election. As president of Diversity Voter PAC, my team and I have worked very hard to identify the key problem with elections and voter turnout, and have pulled strings to offer solutions for you. Please take time to read this e-mail and take it to heart.

I have said it before, and I will say it again until people understand… the ONLY reason why progressives and socialists are winning elections in the LA County is because they have a VOLUNTEER ARMY to BALLOT HARVEST for them. That’s it. It is not their marketing, messaging, lies, or charisma – that is all just the optics of their movement. In Burbank for example, Nick Schultz, now mayor, moved to Burbank only 9 months before his election in 2020, and was elected to our city council with nearly zero connections in the city. Meanwhile, lifetime Burbank residents who are well known and respected in the community are not getting elected. How does that happen??

They have a (paid and unpaid) volunteer army that ballot harvests for them. PERIOD. We already know this, and they don’t even hide it. The only ones who deny their ballot harvesting scheme are the ones who haven’t seen the data and the 460 reports that support that they fund-raised for this purpose. For example, in the city of Burbank, a city of 100,000, Konstantine Anthony’s (you may know him as “Mayor Spanky” from Jesse Watters 2020 city council campaign harvested 10,000 votes BEFORE the night of the election. Not only does the election outcome data reflect this to be true, but Konstantine even bragged about “already having 10,000 votes” on Facebook on November 2nd 2020, the evening before election day (a post he later deleted). If no election outcomes had been publicly posted yet, how would he know that? Because his team produced it. That means the even biggest idiot in the Los Angeles area, who daily preaches that he will “abolish the police and sheriff in the name of social justice” can and did get elected just because he had the volunteers to do it. And in case you’re counting, 10,000 votes is 10% of the city!! That takes massive volunteers – or rather, massive funds to hire paid ballot harvesters. They are also known as ballot chasers, or simply “paid canvassers.” Konstantine Anthony is so confident with his (paid) volunteer army that got him elected in 2020 that he is now running for LA County Board of Supervisors, and he is hiring more “paid canvassers” as we speak. See his job posting here: But he isn’t the only one who can play like this! As far as we know, everything he has done is legal according to California election law. Read on, and we have a plan and a solution to share with you.

My team has spent the better part of 2 years reverse-engineering how Konstantine Anthony, Nick Schultz, (and others) ran their campaigns, and we have discovered the key ingredient to winning elections: focusing on getting ballots in by any means necessary, and recruiting the man-power to do it. This has everything to do with election process and mechanics, and nothing to do with principles. You’ve probably heard me say 100 times, “We must focus on election process, not principles.” In case you never understood what I meant by that, now you have an idea. It’s the process that will win an election. It is naive to think you can have a great message and everyone will just come out and vote for you on their own in majority and win. That’s how to lose and election. Obviously one’s principles matter, but I cannot stress enough that simply having good principles don’t win elections, as we can all observe. People can like your message all they want, but it doesn’t get them to vote. People are lazy, even the ones who passionately support you. Before I entertain your objections about ballot harvesting, may I remind you that ballot harvesting IS COMPLETELY LEGAL and unlimited in California. In fact, our election laws in California support and encourage this level of harvesting. The socialists know this, and they play to win via by getting in the most ballots. They have a volunteer army to do it. That’s it.

Do your candidates have this level of ground game? An army of paid and unpaid volunteers that can collect 10% of your area’s ballots? How many would you need to personally collect in your district to win? Or can you barely get 5 people together to do door-knocking with you? This is the difference between victory and defeat. How’s it going for you?

The reason why Conservatives, Republicans, and moderate classical liberals in LA County can’t win elections has nothing to do with their lack of qualifications or their messaging. It is because they do not have a concept of this type of campaign strategy. And even if they do, they don’t have the volunteer army necessary to make it happen. Elections have changed. Campaigns have changed. Taking advice from elected officials from the past is obsolete. We must build a volunteer army to win.

So what do we do about this?? My team has worked to offer you tools to overcome this, and win.

We have partnered with the nationally renowned trainers from the Leadership Institute to bring a “Volunteer Army Builder” training to Los Angeles County for the first time. I am personally inviting you and your team to register for the “Volunteer Army Builder” training with the Leadership Institute on Sunday, January 14th from 12pm – 3pm at the Burbank Elks Lodge. The registration is $15 now through Dec. 31, and will increase to $25 after Dec 31. There will be no on-site registration, you MUST register in advance. There will be another training from 4pm-7pm that will include a free meal sponsored by my PAC. We are customizing the second training to the needs of those who have pre-registered. That is why you MUST REGISTER TODAY.



Please join me in this effort to create the volunteer armies we all need to save our neighborhoods, state, and country. This is our home, are we are standing our ground. There is no time to waste. Please leave your excuses at the door and get in the trenches with your fellow patriots. Register today, and see you on January 14th.

Please feel free to contact me with questions, as well as your requests for the second training (and what you want me to order for dinner) if you plan to attend the second half as well.

Warmest regards,

April Fangio
Diversity Voter PAC

The Burbank Elks Lodge is located at 2232 N. Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505

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